Monday, March 29, 2010

Mask Spider

So I was doing some further research on Anansi stories this last couple of weeks. Still not a huge amount of useful info, but I have come across a few stories that might be fun to work with. Promise to myself: go to manhattan Library sometime this week for further research. One thing I'm finding is that once you get past the more modern Kiddie adaptations, most African folktales are actually quite bloody and violent. Dunno if I really want to go in that direction. So far leaning more toward either "How Anansi Got His Stories" or "Anansi Flies With the Birds." We'll see where we go from there.

In my last post I was fooling around with the idea of puting a face on Anansi's thorax. Well it turns out nature beat me to it! There's actually a spider name "the African Mask Spider" that has a shape very like a mask on it's back. it looks kind of like a crude picture of an alien head, actually. When playing around with it, I stumbled upon the Golden Orb spider, which actually seems to present a slightly more fun design idea. See what you think:

On an unrelated note, saw How to Train Your Dragon, which I thought was a lot of fun, if a bit over-priced. Seems the only real complaint the reviewers really have is how it isn't different enough from anything else out there right now.

Last weekend saw the release in NYC of Waking Sleeping Beauty the special documentary with "never-before seen footage" inside Disney Studios back in the 90's. Really looking forward to seeing it, but couldn't what with the NY Art Expo & everything this week. Thinking of getting a bunch of Artist friends togeather to go check it out this weekend. Anyone interested?

Edit: Spider concept art doesn't seem to be posting for some reason. will try & fix from home computer. Jason Out.

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